Friday, May 23, 2014

"Building Saints Since the Beginning of Time" Friday 5.23.14

There is much going on this week.  Planning of the Liturgy for the merger mass with Bishop O'Connell on June 29, the last training session on multiculturalism in the Church from the diocese (held at our wonderful St. Peter Claver facility) and catechetical sessions with our candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost (June 8).

Our parish is alive and very active, but as usual - while the harvest is plenty, the workers are few.  We could always use more members of the communities to share the joy of being Church.  We are called to share the gifts we each receive from God with one another, to build up the Body of Christ and help bring one another into the peace of God's kingdom.  We could hang a sign out on the front of every church, "Building Saints Since the Beginning of Time."

'Jack would be a dull boy' if all he did was work, so I direct your attention to the Dinner Dance scheduled for May 31st.  What's not to love - Good Food - Laughs - Fellowship - Great Music and Dancing! So come out and share the joy of community with one another and the bounty of God's grace.

One last item - I direct your attention to an article on the Catholic channel at Patheos ( entitled, "Influential Ugandan Nun Shine Light on Sacred Tradition of Black Catholic Women."  This is a very informative and interesting article on the struggles of Black women religious (which has been going on since at least the 5th century!) and how this movement is re-emerging and influencing the Catholic Church and transforming the world.  Do yourself a favor and read this.

Deacon Don

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